
Budapest Improv Show feat. Per Gottfredsson

Budapest Improv Show feat. Per Gottfredsson

Budapest Improv Show is a fun comedy night with music where we explore new improv forms.
We invite international improvisers to play with us. A whole new improv adventure 3-4 times a year. A possibility of a new beginning. Let’s join our next improvising experience!

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Utolsó előadás dátuma: 2020. április 28. kedd, 20:00

Budapest Improv Show is a fun comedy night with music where we explore new improv forms.

We invite international improvisers to play with us. A whole new improv adventure 3-4 times a year. A possibility of a new beginning. Let’s join our next improvising experience!


The form in April will be: "Behind the fasade". 

The improvisers are inside an apartment house. They never go out. They only meet people inside the apartments, in the washing room, in the store on the groundfloor... What will happen? Nobody knows. We will see on the 28th April. 


About Momentán:

Momentán Improv Theatre Company is one of Hungary’s leading improvisational theatre troupes which has produced theatre performances and creative workshops nationwide since 2003. Momentán is a group of nine creative artists who play interactive games on stage purely fueled by the ideas and suggestions of their audience. They never know what us about to happen in the very next moment. Thus these performances have for the last 12 years provided their varied audiences uniquely exhilarating and entertaining theatrical experiences.


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